Business resilience, Security Operations

The business world is in a state of rapid change. In fact, the rate of change affecting businesses has risen 184% in the past four years and by 33% in the past year alone, according to Accenture’s 2024 Pulse of Change Index.

This is evident in supply chains, which are being buffeted by rapid technological advances; expectations of increased sustainability, resilience and transparency; and a talent shortage—yet most are unprepared or ill-equipped to deal with the rapid rate of disruption. According to Gartner’s Future of Supply Chain report, 95% percent of supply chains must quickly react to change, but only 7% can execute decisions in real time.

And, KPMG found that 47% of supply chain leaders believe they are vulnerable to disruption, highlighting the need to build more resilient supply chains. Below we’ve outlined the current risks, trends and drivers of change that organizations should be aware of if they are to effectively prepare for and mitigate risks and disruptions—and evolve their supply chains for what’s to come in 2024 and beyond.

Organizations that focus on improving sustainability and transparency throughout the supply chain will have greater insights and the resiliency needed to withstand major disruptions and crises. As shown above, key to that is leveraging evolving tech such as blockchains. 

But just as important is using technology—like that of Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security—that helps ensure organizations are the first to know of the risks and critical events that could impact their supply chains, including geopolitical risks, severe weather and supplier disruptions.

Prepare Your Organization for the Next Supply Chain Disruption    

Understand what’s causing the global supply chain crisis and how organizations can mitigate resulting supply chain disruptions.

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March 6, 2024

Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security

See how organizations use Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security—an end-to-end solution for planning for, identifying and managing risks in real time—to keep pace with today’s ever-changing supply chain.

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  • Business resilience
  • Security Operations
  • Corporate Security
  • Infographic

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