
Effective, holistic crisis response and management has become critical to the long-term survival of today’s businesses. It’s indicative of the world in which we now live. Ninety percent of C-suite executives expect their organization to be hit by a cyber attack, and 70% work in an economic sector that is directly affected by climate change and extreme weather events.

To strengthen the front-end management of these unexpected crises and disruptions—which can have substantial and long-lasting effects on organizations’ people, assets and operations—Dataminr is acquiring Krizo, a Copenhagen-based real-time crisis response platform.

As a result, we can further expand the value of Dataminr Pulse—our AI-powered product for detecting the earliest indications of high-impact events, threats and other business critical information—and meet the increasing demand for real-time insights and crisis response.

Faster, more efficient real-time crisis response 

Gone are the outdated, sometimes remarkably still paper-based, crisis response tools and practices. Organizations need to focus their energies on making the decisions needed in the throes of a crisis, not on antiquated and uncoordinated modes of information gathering. As such, we’ve seen the emergence of a modern, platformization of critical data and insights to drive real-time decision making. Whereas businesses were once defined by their functional silos and information flows, the nature and significance of today’s risk landscape is upending that world.

Krizo has been at the forefront of those shifts, allowing for the fastest, most efficient corporate responses. By integrating Krizo into the already robust real-time alerting and geovisualization capabilities of Dataminr Pulse, corporations can collaborate with functions across their entire enterprise to plan for, visualize and then actively and rapidly respond, in real time, to an increasingly diverse set of unexpected events.

As unexpected events can happen at any time, anywhere in the world at any given moment, the ability to quickly and effectively mitigate and respond will be a key differentiator for organizations in the future. Prime examples include supply chain disruptions and potential damage to a company’s reputation.

Just as types of infrastructure and services enable excellence in enterprise product and service delivery, so too does this emergent “resilience layer” in forward-thinking enterprises underpin business continuity in ways previously not possible. But it is possible when you add Krizo to Dataminr Pulse. Together they help to extract the most relevant information from large data volumes and place that data into the context of an organization’s people, assets and operations.

With the addition of pioneering platforms such as Krizo, we’ll be able to empower organizations to protect against an expanding sphere of threats and develop resilience in our increasingly unpredictable world.

Learn more about Dataminr Pulse and how it helps global enterprises detect the earliest indications of high-impact events, threats, and other business critical information so they can respond with speed and confidence.

Brooks Crichlow
October 14, 2021
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