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AI for the benefit of society

Emergency response, global health crises, escalating conflict, climate change and threats to human rights—now more than ever, humanitarian organizations on the frontlines of complex and urgent issues need a real-time view of events as they unfold.

Dataminr is committed to addressing these needs with our AI platform, which delivers real-time alerts on emerging events around the world. With Dataminr, nonprofits can know first, act faster and better serve the world’s most vulnerable.

First Alert for Nonprofits

Leading nonprofits and multilateral organizations, like the United Nations, rely on First Alert—Dataminr’s real-time alerting product for the public sector—to shorten emergency response times and support humanitarian action around critical events related to climate, conflict and human rights.

First Alert for Nonprofits

Social Innovation Lab

Dataminr is proud to support leading humanitarian and nonprofit organizations

Real-time Alerts Inform UN Response and Humanitarian Aid Delivery

Our partnership with Dataminr will help the UN better leverage the power of AI to strengthen our work and help keep UN teams safe.

Robert Kirkpatrick Director, UN Global Pulse
Why Real-time Data Is Key for Humanitarian Response

[During the 2021 Afghanistan evacuation] Dataminr was our only source of critical intelligence about flights and was key to our multi-stakeholder response.”

Andrew SchroederVice President of Research and Analysis, Direct Relief
Catholic Relief Services
Direct Relief
Save the Children
UN Global Pulse
Dataminr’s AI platform

Dataminr’s AI platform

Dataminr’s AI platform processes billions of publicly available data units daily from more than 500,000 sources—including the deep and dark web, network sensors, code repositories, global and regional social media and more—and translates from 100+ languages to deliver alerts in real time from across the public information landscape.

Related resources


The Power of Technology in Times of Humanitarian Crises

Organizations often start with the tech—AI, virtual reality, mobile apps—then try to identify a need to suit it. Instead, the tech community can align and ensure resources are used effectively during crises.

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Why Real-time Data Is Key for Humanitarian Response

Our humanity is the seed of any greater good endeavor. The critical contribution of technology is to take that humanity to scale.

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Dataminr Announces Its 2023 AI for Good Partners

Dataminr is offering tailored AI solutions to support social good organizations in their efforts to benefit society and the planet

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First Alert Demo Request

What could you do with First Alert?